Category: Tech

Social Networks

From “The Social Network” (Press photo from Sony/Columbia Tristar) Social networks have come to mean, in the computer sense, websites or platforms that people use to communicate with each other. They differ from e-mail or newsletters or RSS feeds in…

Computer Games as Education

All due respect to forums, Facebook and Twitter, a recent conference discussed using computer games for education. The January 30 issue of the “International Herald Tribune” reports from the Learning Without Frontiers conference in London. Bristol Univrersity neuroscientist Paul Howard-Jones…

Social Media and Web 2.0

There will be some different posts on this blog over the next few months. While here on my leave of absence in Strasbourg I’ve been taking distance courses from Swedish universities. I took advantage of the course I took from…

Streaming music is another name for radio

The past is the future. Streaming music online is called “radio”. Last month’s issue of “Wired” has a fascinating article by Steven Levy, mostly about Spotify, the Swedish-based service for streaming music. He uses the article to explore the growth…

Sopa and the EU

The American Congress is debatting a bill called Sopa (the Stop Internet Piracy Act). Apparently drawn up by the music and film industries, according to Wikipedia: The bill would remove the safe harbor provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act…

Off of my cloud?

The new iCloud certainly seems like a work in progress, especially the way it works (or does not work) together with the iTunes store. Being able to use an ios device without having to hook it up to a computer…

iTunes is Awful

I can’t wait for the launch of ios 5 and the iCloud, and getting rid of having to update and back-up my devices by plugging them into a computer. A computer running the horrible iTunes app. Ever since my first…

Internet (at least) 2, Sarko 0

The media has covered the recent G8 meeting in France, but at least here in Sweden there’s been little mention of the e-G8 conference that preceded it, where Nicholas Sarkozy apparently discovered he couldn’t impose his vision of a controlled…