This text is a short paper I submitted to a course at Linköping University: A formative moment in Norse religion seems to have been the war between the Aesir and Vanir gods. The story is described in both Voluspa and…
Author: George Wood
I was born in California, but have lived in Sweden since 1975, working at Radio Sweden. I spent many years writing and presenting our program for shortwave listeners, “Sweden Calling DXers”. With the gradual phase-out of shortwave in favor of the Internet, I’ve since moved on to being our webmaster. My big claim to web fame has been that I was the first person in Sweden to post a radio program on the Internet, in 1994…the first person in Europe to post a radio program in English.
Can You Explain Your Election to Me?
An American friend asked me to explain our recent elections here in Sweden. Presumeably why one in five of us voted for a racist party with roots in Nazism? Here is an edited version of my answer.
Medeltidsveckan 2022 – a Bit of a Disappointment
Review: Return of the Pharaoh by Nicholas Meyer
Return of the Pharaoh is the latest Sherlock Holmes pastiche by Nicholas Meyer, otherwise known as a Hollywood director (including two Star Trek movies) and writer. I greatly enjoyed the first two novels, The Seven Percent Solution (1974) and The…
Medeltidsveckan 2021
This year’s Medieval Week on the island of Gotland was a reduced affair, and disappointing in a number of ways. Because of Covid, last year was digital only. No meeting up with folks on Gotland, no people dressing up in…
Butehamun – Tomb Raider for the High Priest of Amun
At last my Masters Thesis in Archaeology has been approved and is online. Here’s the Abstract: This is a biography of the scribe Butehamun. A member of a well-known family who had long lived in the village of Deir el-Medina…

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Viking Age Monuments in Brunna

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Deir el Bahri – Temple of Hatshepsut

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