Author: George Wood

I was born in California, but have lived in Sweden since 1975, working at Radio Sweden. I spent many years writing and presenting our program for shortwave listeners, “Sweden Calling DXers”. With the gradual phase-out of shortwave in favor of the Internet, I’ve since moved on to being our webmaster. My big claim to web fame has been that I was the first person in Sweden to post a radio program on the Internet, in 1994…the first person in Europe to post a radio program in English.

The Bus That Went off the Map

I had an amazing bus adventure this morning, my local bus taking around eight of us on an off the route tour. Stockholm is experiencing what is called “snow chaos”. It snowed so heavily yesterday most buses were cancelled. After…

Human rights: Sweden vs Ecuador

Is Julian Assange’s new best friend Ecuador a paragon of freedom, compared to Sweden, which he and his followers denounce? On its website, the American-based Committee to Protect Journalists writes: Ecuador not fit to champion free expression The Quito government’s…

Raoul Wallenberg and Lidingö

Last Saturday marked the 100th anniversary of the birth of Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg, who saved the lives of tens of thousands of Hungarian Jews from the Holocaust. He was born in his family’s then-summer house, here on the island…