I am delighted that my article about Butehamun (spelled “Butehamen” in accordance with their style guide) has been published in the respected popular Egyptology magazine “Kmt”. This is particularly gratifying because the journal had close links with the late Dr.…
Category: Egyptology
The Painted Queen
I was fortunate enough to win an Advanced Reader’s Edition of the final Amelia Peabody book, completed after the death of Eluzabeth Peters/Barbara Mertz by Joan Hess. The book is a worthy addition to the Peabody saga. In the…
Rwanda: To the Source of the Nile

This gallery contains 11 photos →
Gallery: Egypt the Gift of the Nile

This gallery contains 15 photos →
Update: Butehamun’s letter is now online!
Today permission arrived from the Louvre to use my photos of Butehamun’s letter to the coffin of his wife, Ostracon Louvre N 698, not just in academic publications, but also online in the website I’ve created about Butehamun. You can…
Meeting Butehamun in Turin
On May 19, also thanks to the Wångstedt’s Foundation, I was able to visit the Egyptian Museum in Turin, to see Butehamun’s coffin and his other grave goods. The museum is the largest devoted solely to Egypt outside the Cairo…
Visiting the Louvre Archives
As part of my research into Butehamun, and to help create a website about the famous scribe of Deir el-Medina, the Wångstedts Foundation awarded me a travel grant. Trip 1 was to the Louvre Museum in Paris, whas has a…
Welcome to Egyptology!
In the two years since my last post I’ve retired from Radio Sweden (after 40 years), and gone back to school to earn a B.A. in Egyptology. Uppsala University is the only school in Sweden to offer Egyptology, so over…