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Category: Egyptology
Valley of the Kings: KV 6 – Ramses IX
This gallery contains 10 photos →
Valley of the Kings: KV 8 – Merenptah
This gallery contains 10 photos →
Valley of the Kings: KV 62 – Tutankhamun
This gallery contains 9 photos →
Valley of the Kings: KV 14 – Tausert and Setnakht
This gallery contains 11 photos →
Valley of the Kings: KV 47 – Siptah
This gallery contains 7 photos →
Valley of the Kings: KV 17 – The Tomb of Seti I
This gallery contains 20 photos →
Tutankhamun in Paris
This gallery contains 47 photos →
Egypt’s Colonial Empire in Nubia
“Nubians, I was hoping to avoid them” (from “The Jewel of the Nile”) Egypt’s ventures south, into Lower Nubia (Wawat) and Upper Nubia (Kush), were colonial, to secure access to resources, both those available through direct mining and quarrying as…
Watering Deir el-Medina
This is the paper I wrote for Archaeology B, describing how the Egyptian New Kingdom workers’ village of Deir el-Medina, the desert home of the men who built the tombs in the Valley of the Kings, was provided with water.…